For some, adjusting to clear aligners can feel overwhelming, especially with a busy academic schedule. Fortunately, balancing school and orthodontic care is not complicated when you have Goings Orthodontics in your corner. We believe students of all ages can keep their aligners in top shape and stay confident throughout the day with some simple routine modifications. That’s why our team has put together this list of practical tips for wearing clear aligners while in school.
It’s All About Routine
One of the most important things your child or teen can do when wearing their clear aligners in school is set a routine. When their clear aligners have an appropriate and consistent time and place for wearing and not wearing, as well as a home and neighborhood for when they’re not being worn, your child or teen will be significantly more likely to wear their aligners and less likely to lose them.
Now, let’s break that down so it sounds less like gibberish.
Time & Place
When we say a time and place, we mean your child understands that they need to be worn for 22 hours a day and knows when they’re allowed to take them out. For example, they can’t wear a mouthguard over their aligners, so it’s best to just remove them and place them in their case until gym or sports practice is over.
They’re also allowed to remove them for lunch and snack time.
Other than that, they should be wearing them. Their aligners should not affect their choir, band, or presentation skills. However, it might require some getting used to talking, singing, and playing an instrument with aligners.
Home & Neighborhood
As for the home and neighborhood idea, encourage them to consider their aligner case as the aligners’ home and where that case lives—like a specific pocket in a backpack or jacket—as the neighborhood. If the aligners always go “home” and always “live” in the same “neighborhood,” there’s no panicked searching when it’s time to take the aligners out for lunch or sports practice.
Bonus tip: Write their name on the outside of the case so they can be returned if they ever get lost.
Practice Makes Perfect
One way to encourage these habits at the beginning of the school year is to set alarms on their phone or their watch to remind them to remove or wear their aligners. You can also set one for them to double-check that their aligners are safely in their home and neighborhood before practice starts. Or, if you’re worried that might be disruptive, you can send them a routine text reminder.
When this routine stays the same every day, it will eventually feel weird when something is off, like when they’re halfway through the lunch line and realize they still have their aligners in. And that’s good! We want them to be able to remember easily and not feel like their orthodontic treatment is a burden.
Keep ’Em Clean
Speaking of lunch, that brings us to tip number 2—encourage your child or teen to properly care for their aligners throughout the school year. Taking good care of the aligners will help maintain your kid’s good oral health and preserve the subtlety of the aligners by preventing discoloration. No one wants to stand up in front of the class for a presentation or group project with aligners that make it look like they have yellow teeth or have pain from a developing cavity!
- Use The Case: We want to reiterate the importance of the aligner case! Putting them in their appropriate place during mealtime will protect them from germs and reduce their risk of being thrown away accidentally.
- Brush & Floss After Eating: Food or drink residue left on the teeth can stain the aligners. Using floss, interdental brushes, and a travel-size toothbrush with toothpaste after eating can keep their removable invisible braces transparent.
- Rinse Them Water: They can also rinse or brush the aligners after lunch to avoid bad-smelling or bad-tasting aligners.
If your child or teen is self-conscious about brushing their teeth or removing their aligners in front of others at school, communicate with their teacher(s) about their situation. Ask if they can allow them a pit stop to the bathroom or nurse’s office before and after every lunch. This can alleviate the awkwardness of your child having to ask or brush in front of their peers, keeping their treatment on the right track.
Hydrating Is Not Up For Debating
Staying hydrated plays a big role in keeping breath fresh and aligners clean. Encourage your child to carry a reusable water bottle to school so they can sip water throughout the day.
When a mouth gets dry, it can lead to bad breath and painful mouth sores, which no child wants, especially at school. Drinking water throughout the day keeps the mouth moist, reducing the chances of discomfort from dry mouth or irritation. Plus, water also helps wash away food particles and bacteria that can cause tooth decay or gum inflammation.
How To Stay Comfortable All Day Long
If your child experiences discomfort while wearing clear aligners, the following simple tricks can make a big difference and keep their focus on learning.
- Aligner chewies, also known as just chewies, are soft cushions that help the aligners fit more snugly on the teeth, which can reduce any tightness or pressure.
- Orajel or over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen can provide quick relief to tenderness, irritation, or mouth sores.
- Ice packs are another effective way to soothe minor pain or swelling, especially after switching to a new set of aligners.
- Orthodontic wax is a great tool to create a barrier and prevent irritation. It can be easily applied to the areas causing discomfort, making the aligners more comfortable to wear.
Eyes On The Prize
Lastly, remember that aligners are nearly invisible—most people won’t even notice them unless you point them out. If your child or teen feels self-conscious, point this out and remind them lots of students wear aligners or braces, and it’s really no big deal. Another way to keep them motivated is by reminding them what they’re working toward—a happy, healthy, confident smile for a lifetime.
(And, if that doesn’t work, tell them that closely following Dr. Goings’ instructions at school could possibly get them out of treatment faster!)
Ace Clear Aligner Treatment With Goings Orthodontics
At Goings Orthodontics, we understand that managing clear aligners during the school day can be challenging. However, with the right tips and tricks, your child can stay on track with their treatment and still enjoy their school activities. If you have any questions or need further guidance, we’re here to help. Let’s work together to keep your child’s smile bright and healthy! Please contact our Fort Collins or Windsor locations for more information, or click here to schedule a free consultation.